Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about your eye health and the services that we provide.

How often should I have my eyes checked?

You should have your eyes checked once a year unless otherwise specified by your doctor.

I have great vision, why do I need to have an eye exam?

Although checking your vision is an important part of an eye exam, it is also important to have your eyes examined regularly to ensure that you have good eye health and general health.

What is an Optometrist?

An Optometrist, or a Doctor of Optometry, is a primary health care professional who specializes in improving your vision and keeping your eyes healthy.

Do you take walk-ins?

No, we do not take walk-ins.

What should I bring to my eye exam?

We would like you to bring your current glasses and/ or contact lenses, a list of your current medications, insurance card & identification, sunglasses for after dialation, and your primary care doctor's name/address/phone number. If you are diabetic please check your blood sugar level the morning of your appointment and know your last A1C count. Visit our "Patient Forms" page to print the appropriate forms.

At what age should my child first have an eye exam?

The American Optometric Association recommends having your child's eyes examined anytime after 6 months of age if you have noticed something that is of concern. If you haven't noticed any unusual behavior in your child, it is best to have their eyes checked yearly from age 3 to make sure they are healthy and prepare them for school. Be sure to watch out for eye rubbing, squinting, turning or tilting their head, red eyes, wandering eyes, moving their head or frequently losing their place while reading.

Can I wear Contact Lenses?

Yes, you can wear contact lenses unless otherwise specified by your doctor. The years of being held back by certain prescriptions are behind us; there are many contact lenses available for eyes of different strengths, shapes and sizes.

If I already wear contact lenses, why do I have to have a contact lens fitting?

A contact lens fitting is done to ensure that you are a good candidate for contact lenses and to determine what lens is best for you. The fitting may be done at the time of the full eye exam at the discretion of your doctor. As we all know, our bodies and everything around us continue to change daily so you need to have a yearly fitting even if you've worn contact lenses in the past per Florida state law.

What Is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a tongue-twisting word that describes the curvature of the front of your eye and how that affects your prescription. Today we are able to correct your astigmatism with glasses and/ or contact lenses.

Why is it important for me to get my eyes checked if I am a diabetic?

Diabetes can have many different effects on the health of the inside of your eye. It is important to have your eyes checked yearly unless your doctor wants to see you more frequently to make sure that you don't develop any serious problems like vision loss.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a condition that can be passed down through the family that affects your peripheral vision. If your eye care professional is able to examine your eyes regularly, they will be able to see if this is something that is affecting you.

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular Degeneration is an age related condition that affects your central vision; this disorder may be worsened by smoking. If you have a family history of macular degeneration, it is very important for you to have your eyes examined frequently.

What causes Cataracts?

For the most part, cataracts develop as we age. Ultraviolet rays from sunlight, smoking and certain medications can speed up the development of cataracts.

How do I know which over the counter eye drops or vitamins are best for my eyes?

The eye care aisle at your local pharmacy or drug store can be overwhelming. Consult your eye doctor so they can advise you as to which drops and vitamins would be most effective for you.

How can I make an appointment?

Feel free to call one of our locations.